Overcome the barriers between you and the Holy Mounts as the mysteries of African Stupidity are resolved and the Secrets of African witchcraft revealed.
Discover the truth, secrets, lies, and conspiracies behind “Ancestral Curses,” and “Ancestor Worship.”
Mysteries of the ritual of burying people alive; Africans were doomed unless they did something to their ancestors.
Read the strategy to abolish ancestral curses and blood liability.
People only succeeded in specific life-long projects, when they broke witchcraft covenants, and focused on what?
How to recognize witchcraft world or covens in dreams.
Every major religion on Earth, based on Holy Books, had their roots in the Holy Mounts. The Olympic Games derived from experiences on the Holy Mount Olympus, and the foundation for philosophy: Why have Africans contributed nothing?
Why is Africa the destination of those sourcing for slaves?
Why did the dwellers on the Holy Mounts mandate the Oboiro?
The Oboiro-keys to effective Prayers.
Famous Bible Verses: 365 Days to More Happiness, Love, Faith & Spirituality
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
The race : The right pathway to success
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