Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 6th Jun 15
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Is the only thing stopping you from e-publishing your book is “how” to get it done?

The ultimate beginners guide on how to publish and market your e-book with Amazon KDP..

Do you have a great idea for a book but don’t know how to get it published?

Are you ready to fulfill your dream and become a published author?

*Written by Amazon’s #1 best seller author Ally Nathaniel*

In this book you will learn, step by step, how to make your dream of publishing an e-book a reality. Whether you write a children’s book, a fiction/nonfiction or a “how to” book, “The 6 Steps Plan to e-Publishing” will guide you through all the steps you need to follow. From writing your book, publishing it in a kindle format, to marketing it with Amazon, the ultimate e-publishing guide is your road map to fulfilling your dream and publishing your book.

Say good bye to rejection letters and take your destiny to your own hands.

You will learn how to:

Transform your idea into an e-bookCreate and publish your book in a Kindle formatFind the perfect illustrator / editor/ ghost writer for your bookSelect the best keywords for your genreChoose the right categories for your book

˃˃˃ Are you ready to sell more copies?

This guide will teach you how to :

1. Create an attractive book cover

2. Write a book description that sells

3. Market your e-book

˃˃˃ Chapter 4: Promotion and Marketing

Effective promotion is key to success. However, promotion is the toughest part of the process. You need to get the right instructions and information on this in order to succeed.

Once you complete writing your book and want it to actually sell, promotion is an ongoing process. You will need to follow these steps with every new book you write and constantly reach out for more reviews, blog posts, and new ways to promote your book, including paid promotions.

Being a self e-published author means that not only do you need to write well, but you also need to be a researcher, marketer, and socializer. Use your book to promote your website, social media, and other books of yours and vice versa. Add your website URL, Facebook page link, and Twitter address at the end of your book and invite people to connect with you. I found out that by connecting with people and fans, it actually helped me to promote my books. Your friends, family, and fans are your messengers and can help spread the word about your book.

There are a few steps I highly recommend following. These will help you attract more attention to your book. Many authors ignore these options and potentially miss out on sells.

Ask for reviews

Good reviews can bring more readers. It is very important to follow the guidelines below to get some good reviews for your book:

This is the time to send a free copy to all your friends and family and ask them to write a positive review. You can also reach out to professional guest reviewers to review your book and publish it on their blogs as well as on Amazon.

Look for bloggers who write book reviews of your genre and send them the request/offer. You can buy contact information of bloggers on http://business2blogger.com/or simply search on Google for results and address the bloggers directly.

When you reach out to potential reviewers, remember to be polite and ask nicely. You can offer a free copy of your book, tell them a little bit about it, and ask for their honest review. Keep in mind that if they do not like your book you might get a bad review. My experience shows that in such cases they will not write a review at all.

Look for reviewers who are usually positive.

Free on 6th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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