Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 1st - 5th Mar 18
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While the book changes lives, a powerful torrent of inevitable wind blows across the mind from the pages. The ending has mesmerized the moment in such a mystical breath, a place where images or touches will never find expression. It shines in the focused content where language refuses to manifest as it can’t exist.

The ending of the book…my favorite part…

He expanded his story on a personal note, ?I awoke. The many faces seared the room with shimmering unreal texture staining the very air I breathed. I would not turn away, I could not. Their voices echoing in silence must be heard. I did not know them and yet I did. As each one touched my soul, burning my vision, knowledge pushed through me. Knowing that each face had been worn by me, it was my day of remembering. All of them ancient beyond words, all different. One stern, another staring back to dare me to forget, each one appearing for but a fraction of an instant to be suddenly replaced by another. Each one burning across my mind, a tempest of knowledge gained from experience. Not all were human. Not all from this planet, the ones that were, painted of the most ancient of days. Yet the faces were unending, lives beyond counting, each one a memory, and each one still alive within me. I could do nothing but honor them. Only given an instance to speak in silence, each one filled the room. I give them their essence still, as I know they call to me, requiring my voice in the Now. To live an eternity in a moment of time breathes a thickness of life where words have no value. And so I have spoken, painting their voices for all to hear, like a river screaming the size of an ocean, it is enough, I know. It has the tones to trigger the ancient hidden locks, the voice of the ages, calling to free the oppressed.?

Free on 1st - 5th Mar 18
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