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Free on 2nd - 6th Feb 18
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Have you ever been challenged on how much you know about the apostles? Have you ever felt like you should have a resource to draw this information from? If so you might want to invest very little to get a good amount of info on the apostles . This book is very precise and pinpoints details about the apostles. The bible is a huge piece of literature, picking out certain details can at times be difficult. The Apostles: Interesting Facts strives to get the most important info about the Apostles, and present the info in an easy to read format. The Apostles are very important in the bible, and every Christian should have a good amount of knowledge on each Apostle. Whether you are a new believer, elder, or just a scholar in general you will benefit greatly from this piece literature. Hopefully you can add this to your library, and also use it as a reliable source.

Another point I want to mention is the idea of looking into each individual and studying their impact in the Kingdom of God. This is an idea being considered for more books. focusing and creating almost a study book on individuals in the bible. If this book does that for you please mention that in your review. This book is meant to be high quality at a low price. Enjoy!

Topics that will be covered:

1.Bio: Where each Apostle was born, What did they do for a living.

2.Important interactions with Jesus, Verses that highlight the apostles importance in the gospels.

3. Whether or not the Apostle was a writer, as far as in the bible.

4.How they impacted the ministry of Jesus.

5. Good qualities and bad qualities about each apostles.

The Apostles

1.Simon Peter




5.Philip of Bethsaida





10.Simon the Zealot

11.Thaddeus Judas

12.Judas Iscariot

Keep your Bible handy to read what is being referenced in the book!

The goal of this book is to help you have a better understanding of each Apostle. This is a book that every Christian should own! After having read this book you will have a better knowledge on who each Apostle was, and their impact on the ministry of Jesus Christ!

Free on 2nd - 6th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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