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Free on 3rd - 6th Dec 13
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How To Master the Art of Forgiveness

Stress and Anger Expert Doc Orman, M.D. Shares His Secrets To Forgiveness and True Inner Peace

If you want to live a happier, healthier and more peaceful life, this book is for you! You will learn:

How To Forgive Those Who Have Hurt You

The truth is life isn’t easy. And anyone who says it is doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Sometimes we get beat up, bruised and knocked down by other people in our lives, physically, emotionally, spiritually or otherwise. The truth is we all get hurt in life and must deal with suffering – it’s part of this amazing experience we call being human. Given that we all get hurt, the question must be asked:

What do we do about it?

That’s the exact question I’ve helped answer for thousands of my patients, clients and attendees of my various workshops, seminars and courses learn to master the art of forgiveness to live a happier, healthier and more peaceful life.

In this book, you will learn that holding on to anger, jealousy, hatred, rage, sadness, depression and other negative emotions does nothing to hurt the other person – instead it hurts you. Being angry and unforgiving can cause you massive stress, make you unhappy and even reduce your life span. The key to letting the anger and other negative emotions go is forgiveness.

In this book, you’ll learn the proven system I’ve used with thousands of people all over the world to cure negative emotions instantly through the power of forgiveness. Trust me – you will love how you feel when you finally put down that emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around for years, and might not have even known about until now.

How To Eliminate Anger Before It Eliminates You

Dr. Mort Orman has been studying irritability and the impact of anger on your health, success and life for years. In his research, he found a proven strategy that works for getting rid of anger and irritability fast, without drugs or medications.

One Simple Process For Turning Negative Thoughts Into Fuel For Growth

When you eliminate negative thoughts and energy from your life, you’ll feel a sense of calm an inner peace like you’ve never felt before. But this is the power of negative thinking – when you turn your negative thoughts around, you actually create more energy and power that moves you into the direction you want to go in your life faster than you’ve ever moved before.

Why Going For Happiness Is The Quickest Path To What You Want

So often in life we try to be right instead of being happy. We argue to protect our viewpoint when we could just as easily let the argument go and be happy. Learn how to reprogram your mind and subconscious habits and never have another unnecessary argument again!

About The Author

MORT (Doc) ORMAN, M.D. is an Internal Medicine physician, author, stress coach, and founder of the Stress Mastery Academy. He has been teaching people how to eliminate stress, without managing it, for more than 30 years. He has also conduction seminars and workshops on reducing stress for doctors, nurses, veterinarians, business executives, students, the clergy, and even the F.B.I. Dr. Orman’s award-winning book, The 14 Day Stress Cure (1991), is still one of the most helpful and innovative books on the subject of stress ever written. Dr. Orman and his wife, Christina, a veterinarian, live in Maryland.

Free on 3rd - 6th Dec 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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