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Free on 16th - 20th Apr 18
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Suppose, on Judgment Day, someone said to the Biblical God: “You should not punish me because there was no possible way that I could have been certain that You existed.” If the Biblical God is fair, as He claims to be, He would have an overwhelmingly convincing reply. This reply would correctly be called “the ultimate religious argument.” If the Biblical God exists, then this ultimate argument must exist and would be discoverable! C. S. Lewis and others (especially A. Plantinga, R. M. Adams and R. Swinburne) have been getting closer and closer to discovering this ultimate argument.

Lewis almost discovers the ultimate argument with his question: How do we know whether an action is fair or not? However, this question falls just short of the question that does indeed reveal the ultimate religious argument: Why do we all take our hard-to-live-by sense of “wrong” so seriously when it could have come from evolution, from our parents or from a deception?

Most importantly, why do YOU take your sense of “wrong” so seriously? The answer to this question may shock you because it reveals that the only people who do not know God are those who do not know themselves!

Free on 16th - 20th Apr 18
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