What begins as a mundane day in the age of steam for reporter Flash Mahogany becomes a conundrum of intrigue and adventure.
Flash finds himself face to face with his own counterparts from three different realities thanks to a device known as the Plasma Bolt Transporter. He must locate Jane Diggery and together they must find a way to send things back to their rightful place before the world is lost in a vortex of time.
Flash’s alter-egos, Doctor Bison and Captain Ogg Matterhorn along with Jane’s alter-egos, Kathleen Bentley Bison and Elpis Verbeck, must race through all three realities and retrieve the plasma devices before the evil Wormwood and his alter-egos, Professor Niore and Commodore Helleborne, can use them to rule or destroy the world. It’s a tri-reality befuddlement that can only have one outcome and what that outcome will be, only God knows.
Girl Fights Back (Go No Sen) (Emily Kane Adventures)
Contact, Three True Encounters
The Adventures of Goku
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