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Free on 9th - 11th Mar 15
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THE BODY COLLECTORS. Disappearing & Missing People. A CHRONICLE OF STOLEN SOULS. True Accounts & Mounting Evidence. People going missing, being taken. But by what or who…? This book explores the mounting evidence;

Dimensions, vortexes, & evidence of deliberate manipulation through ritual by elite secret societies.

Revelations of a top secret project using inter-dimensional field generators to create artificial ‘time wells,’ where personnel, equipment, and entire buildings can be concealed.

Ley lines running through Yosemite, Mount Shasta, Joshua Tree & Crater Lake; and the patterns linked to missing and disappearing people.

Underground Beings demand Humans and Governments know? Cases of mass disappearances underground.

Abductions linked to numerology, and an illuminati calendar.

National Monument ‘land grabs,’ and witnesses speaking of underground detonations & constructions.

Project Talent and the covert use of super soldiers.

Drones, surveillance, monitoring and a documented case of mass harm in a rural area.

ELF, Scalar waves & audio spotlights targeting victims in the wilderness. Invisible stick breakers and missing people.

Tree-top hunters and the missing. Unseen voices luring unsuspecting hikers. Malevolent entities that shift between dimensions & vibrations, sometimes visible, sometimes not.

MUFON hotspots. Alien mutilations in remote wilderness areas.

The case for elusive experts in concealment & evasion, abducting humans. Abduction, confinement & ritual slaughter of innocents.

The secret harnessing of ancient powers.

Chapters include; 1. Revelations of deliberate manipulations in space/time, and the possible future world plans of the elite.

2. Alternate dimension, time-slips, and ley lines.

3. The abduction & disappearance of innocent people? Ley line manipulation for a sinister hidden purpose?

4. Occult & illuminate abductions and missing people?

5. ‘Underground Beings demand Humans.’

6. ‘The first step in occultism is the study of the Invisible Worlds.’

7. Covert weaponization targeting innocent citizens? A documented case of ‘mass harm’ in a rural area.

8. Abduction, mutilation and murder in remote wilderness places.

9. A baffling case of triggered killers?

10. Strange deaths & disappearances.

11. More Strange Deaths.

Following on from the strange cases of missing & disappeared people in ‘Something in the Woods is taking People,’ here follows some more truly disturbing real-life incidents of missing people, people disappearing never to be found again, or returning, always changed.

What follows is the discovery of evidence that points to some highly strange and disturbing things that are going on in the wilderness and possibly coming to a town near you… the numbers are growing and people keep disappearing…..

Disappearing & Missing People; The Body Collectors. A Chronicle of Stolen Souls.


Free on 9th - 11th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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