The book is a series of stories that mainly follow one character, Brian Morrison. Brian was born and raised in Nebraska. He is nearing adulthood and seeks to travel to Alaska. He is seeking opportunity, exposure, and adventure. The book is set in the 1950s, which was filled with optimism, prosperity, and social turmoil. As people in America were adapting to life after WWII; some felt disenfranchised by the various opportunities available to them at that time. The book explores the various themes of war, mass consumption, immigration, increase in personal wealth, and racism to name a few. Brian tries to become self aware of the world through his own eyes, and escape the life of his dogmatic father.
Broken Ties: Prequel (The Mentalist Series)
Puzzled: An adventure story filled with suspense, mystery, and fantasy - for kids ages 9-12 and teen...
Prince of Frogs (Curse of the Dark Kingdom Book 1)
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