
Free on 17th - 21st Apr 15
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Mastering persuasion is a super power

We all wish we were among those people who seem to be able to persuade anyone into doing anything. There’s a certain power that comes with the ability to convince, persuade and manipulate (for good, not evil!) that we would probably all want a piece of.

You can learn this super power

Fortunately, if persuasion is not your forte, there is hope, because I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s something you can totally learn and even come to perfect, if you practice it enough. It all comes down to some little tricks that you will find out about in this e-book. It was written especially for people who struggle with being persuasive and it acts as a guide, taking you through all the steps, one by one, and explaining their importance, as well as giving you tips about each one.

Why wait?

You don’t have to wait any longer! With the help of this e-book, you can become the persuasive person you have always wished you could be. All you have to do is pay attention to the tips, learn how to take advantage of each detail that is being presented to you, and you will find yourself pulling other people’s strings sooner than you think.

Make use of the loopholes in human psycholgy

The art of persuasion isn’t just for the charismatic, anyone can become good at convincing others with a little insight into human psychology, the things we naturally respond to and what we are resistant to. It’s actually not that complicated; all you need is a bit of help and guidance that are conveniently provided for you in this e-book.

Start reading right now and learn how to bring everyone else on your side through your smart and effective persuasion abilities.

Free on 17th - 21st Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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