Readers’ Favorite 2013 International Book Award Winner.
Were the heavens and the earth created 6,000 years ago, as the Bible suggests? Or, did the universe expand into existence nearly 14 billion years ago from a spontaneous “Big Bang”? Both dates cannot be right. Or can they?
Imagine medieval manuscripts, written some 800 years ago, that could help us decipher Genesis and thereby pinpoint exactly when the universe began – an instant squaring, moreover, with our most up-to-date cosmological theories. Further, suppose these same manuscripts could help us extract from Genesis unequivocal timelines for the development of life on Earth, again precisely as identified by the latest scientific evidence derived from the fossil record. The Genesis One Code carefully examines the relationship between scientific theory and biblical teachings. The book approaches the origins debate from a fresh perspective informed by both scientific and spiritual research. The book demonstrates an alignment between the dates of key events as described in Genesis 1 and 2 with those derived from scientific theory and observation. This alignment provides a compelling perspective deserving of thoughtful consideration.
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