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Unlock the Most Profound Mysteries of the Ancient Ages…

History is the relics of a shipwreck; far more of the secrets behind the mysteries of the past have been lost than preserved. Modern accounts of the history of our world begin long after origins have disappeared—legends arise to preserve those origins. Explore an unprecedented opportunity to unlock those ancient legends, revealing secrets that for long millenniums have remained hidden under the most intense silence.

Sweeping in an immense arc across Asia is the Great Himalayan Range, an uninterrupted 1,500 mile long crescent of mountains with over 110 peaks rising to elevations of 25,000 feet or more. The Himalaya cradles the most isolated areas of Earth’s landmass; towering ice peaks nearly six miles high conceal remote, lushly forested valleys.

For thousands of years, the inaccessible inner portion of that vast wilderness has inspired countless legends of a hidden society of great masters possessed of all-encompassing wisdom and knowledge. Absent an ember, there can be no smoke; there is a kernel of truth in all such ancient and enduring legends, and they cannot be easily, or wisely, dismissed.

In a secluded part of that inner range, explorer M.G. Hawking chanced upon a valley deep in the rugged wilderness. Nestled in that mystical vale surrounded by vast snowfields rolling upward from evergreen forest to immense blue-white glaciers, and encircled by Himalayan ice peaks so high as to appear nearly overhead, he encountered a tiny village called Siddhalaya.

Hawking’s discovery marked the beginning of a series of extraordinary adventures and experiences. Soon after arriving he realized, a bit like Columbus or Marco Polo, that he had discovered a world far stranger and vastly more profound than he had ever expected or imagined. In Siddhalaya, Hawking had the privilege of meeting truly exceptional men and women—introduced to him as “masters” and “adepts”—possessed of knowledge and power virtually unknown to the Western world. In this book series you will meet these remarkable people and explore the secrets they reveal.

Fragments of the material presented in these books has at various times through the millennia appeared in arcane mystical texts, in the more profound Eastern philosophies, and in the secret wisdom traditions of various ages. This is to be expected—the knowledge that conveys true power has an ancient origin. In modern times, splinters of this knowledge have resurfaced in various formats, although unfortunately absent both the most fundamental as well as the most advanced elements of the wisdom and knowledge of the supreme masters.

You are invited to take an amazing journey through both space and time, ranging from the remote ice peaks of the Himalayan Mountains to the highlands of Tibet, and far back through the ages to the magic landscapes of the ancient world. Explore the Grandeur of Ancient Egypt and The Legend of Shambhala.

Magical, entertaining, and richly enlightening, these are books that will stay with you forever. Must reads for anyone on a spiritual path or seeking greater knowledge and personal power. Have fun exploring!

New Release, Excerpts from Books in the Series, Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count 330.

Books in The Greatest Knowledge of Ages Series

A Chronicle of Power (Book One)

A Magic Journey Into the Infinite (Book Two)

In the Valley of Supreme Masters Anthology (Book Three)

A Great Master Speaks, Immense Powers of the Ancients Revealed

Teachings of the Himalayan Masters, Their Secret Knowledge and Practices

Encounters with the Celestials, The Living Part of a Timeless Legend

Library-cataloging-data: ancient mysteries, Ancient Egypt, Shambhala, mystery, knowledge, goddess, visionary, esoteric, metaphysical, mysticism, manifesting, arcane, abundance, goddess

Free on 23rd - 25th May 16
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