
Free on 4th - 8th Jun 14
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How can you help to heal those around you? Energy healer Johan Oeyen just summons up a little magic. By using magic tricks to illuminate the power of visualization, he demonstrates how achieving a state of stillness or space will result in a deeper sense of personal fulfillment.

Created for adults and children alike, The Handbook of the Magician: a spiritual guide is intended for anyone who seeks greater happiness in their own lives or in the lives of those around them. Oeyen’s proven techniques will enable individuals to achieve the stillness or space that is necessary to counter the negative voices that can hinder joy and self-love. To do so, he shares a basic magic trick, which serves to explain how a healer can call upon white light. This is the visualization of the healing universal energy that the author calls the magic wand.

With clarity, grace, and ease, this life-changing guide to enhancing inner strength through greater consciousness can transform how you are living your life and experiencing every moment. It’s required reading for anyone who is open to discovering feelings that feel good, and continuing to find them again and again.

Free on 4th - 8th Jun 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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