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Free on 2nd Aug 14
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Where are you on the happiness scale? Wouldn’t it be great to achieve the happiness you really deserve?

The Happiness Principles is a book that will help to transform your life into one where happiness is the mainstay and good health is the lifestyle of choice. Each chapter brings you through the steps into achieving a positive attitude through advice on turning pessimism into optimism and more.

Each chapter includes 30 or more daily positive affirmations and reinforcements in the form of new and not the usual quotes, sayings, proverbs from every nationality, all to help you through each day of learning.

The first chapter is Why An Optimistic Attitude Is Important with explanations on the definition of attitude and the many different types of attitude and how they affect you. Most important you will discover the benefits of having a positive attitude.

Chapter 2 is about Quick Tips to Having a Happy Attitude with 11 life-changing tips to bringing about true happiness.

Chapter 3 covers Releasing Agony through easy to understand steps. Agony comes from past hurts and if not released will keep true happiness at bay and will directly affect your physical health as well.

In Chapter 4 you will learn how to Be a Visionary by thinking outside the box. A visionary is someone who dares to dream and who dares to take action in making their dreams into a reality.

This leads to Chapter 5 and Making Your Visions Into Real Attainable Goals. In this chapter, you will discover how to be and use the proper motivation in your road to health and happiness.

In Chapter 6 you will learn how to discover and use the Positive Reinforcements in your life, from your personal relationships with family and friends to your work life. You will realize it all works together and how you must seek out other positive influences and let go of those relationships that are detrimental to your happiness.

In Chapter 7 you will learn how to Conquer Mental Blocks. The number one cause of mental blocks is procrastination and you will learn how to bust through procrastination with your positive thinking.

Chapter 8 is all about how your thinking affects your health. You will understand how Thoughts, Attitudes, and Whole Well-Being work with your attitude and your behavior.

The last two chapters are about how to Prosper and Thrive and how to Pay It Forward. When you realize that the art of health and happiness also lies in helping others through your own talents and resources you can see how intricate life is when we interact with each other. The key to health and happiness starts with a positive attitude and you can learn how by reading this book right now.

Free on 2nd Aug 14
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