Who can resist a snuggly cat with those big beautiful eyes? Not me! Neither can anyone else, considering that cats are the most popular pets in the western world. They are quiet, affectionate, fun to watch, easy to feed, and don’t need much space: what is not to love? The purring is an add-on value: it soothes us because it is as the same resonance of our hearts beating! These exquisite creatures can live for decades so long as they start out healthy. They must be selected carefully, protected from disease, and socialized properly from kittenhood. An emotionally adjusted kitten will blossom into the best pet you ever had. How do you do this? Well get a nice drink, sit down, slip your shoes off, and get ready to learn. If you want to have a happy and healthy cat, in this book you find out how to do it.
THE TINY HANDBOOK OF HAPPINESS: How Science can Help You Achieve More Joy and Fulfillment
The Science of Sleep: Your Guide to Restful Nights and a Happier, Healthier You
Embracing Individuality: How Unique Strengths Shape Our Life's Journey
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