Gabriel Kraft is a precocious eight year old who loves burgers, hockey and video games. Unlike any other eight year old on earth, he was born with a curse on his head, that if awakened once again, could wipe out mankind in a matter of days.
His adoptive mother destroyed the amulets that can awaken the curse, but a sleeping curse is still a death sentence hanging over the child’s head. Stella Hunter believes that an incantation exists that can neutralize the ancient curse. The problem is that the gold scroll containing the words of absolution was last seen twelve hundred years ago in Alexandria, being loaded onto a ship about to sail for Ostia, Rome’s port – a ship that never reached its destination.
Still Life With Murder (Nell Sweeney Mystery Series, Book 1)
Encounters with the Celestials, The Living Part of a Timeless Legend
Lover's Hymns : تراتيل عاشق
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