Thousands of years ago events were set in motion to save the human race from extinction and lead them into the future. Fate wove and entwined bloodlines, so in the end, there would one powerful woman and one powerful man, leading her children to Utopia.
Lisa Longshire is the last in a long line of many courageous and powerful woman, and when her unusual dreams lead her to Toronto, she takes the first steps towards a destiny that will either make her the most powerful woman alive or destroy her.
Alastair McScath has long given up hope of finding his fated mate and stopped looking centuries ago. If not for his brother Condan and his endless meddling, Lisa would have never crossed his path.
A net of intrigue, romance and danger is set in motion, the only guidance a prophecy promising them dark times and horror before they can reach their goal. If they survive that long.
The Mating Chase (Werewolves of Montana Book 1)
Met You In My Memory: A Sweet Clean Romance: Love in Seattle
TWO HEARTS' ASSAULT (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Book 21)
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