Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novelette

Free on 10th - 14th Jun 17
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The incredible story of Dennis the cavity

Does your baby know how important it is to brush their teeth? Probably, but do they know why they should repeat this long and boring chore again and again?

This is an interesting story about Dennis the dental caries and his friends that lived in Josh’s mouth! This book will show your children how soft drinks, sweets, and cake, can hurt their teeth, and that Dennis is not a good boy, and isn’t worthy of being friends with your teeth!

    Every day after school, Josh would gulp down milk with the cookies, cake, or candy his Grandmother was always making for him. He would then have at least 1 glass or sometimes 2 glasses of soda pop. He loved candy, cakes, chocolate milk and soda pop. He loved sugar and would eat it every day. He believed it made him a better gamer.

Dennis the dental caries had been hiding out in the back of Josh’s mouth waiting for the dental   to be over. Dennis had chuckled that the dentist had missed him once again and that he would be back to try to take over Josh’s mouth one tooth at a time, one day in the very near future.

    That day was now. Dennis crawled out from behind a big tooth, called a molar, on the left side of Josh’s mouth. He had been sleeping in the gooey plaque that was building up just under the gum line…..

Free on 10th - 14th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


"A good book for a parent who needs help getting a child to brush their teeth."

Reviewer: .

OK, it is rare I say this about a children's book, but don't read this if you've just had a tooth out. I wish I hadn't.

Gripe over with, on with the review.

The story starts with Joshua, who goes to his grans every day, eats sweets, never tells his parents, and never brushes his teeth. I suspect I have certain readers cringing, but I will just borrow the books next line:

"Deep in his mouth, unknown to him, something was happening, something bad."

Enter Dennis the dental caries, who wakes up in his mouth and launchs a bid to take over. My compliments to the illustrator for making the image of Dennis genuinely unpleasant.

It describes the way a cavity forms in terms of an evil army of bacteria attacking teeth, so it might be a bit dry at points, but it is something children need to know and a good way of teaching it to them. The writing is simple but not condescending, and aside from some of the bacteria names, children should be fine with reading this or having it read to them. The formatting is very good and deserves a mention. Each page had full colour pictures, and while the text appears embedded on it, double clicking allows enlargement.

A good book for a parent who needs help getting a child to brush their teeth.

Rating: 3

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