The Infinite Me, is the spiritual journey of a successful scientist and clinician that from a skeptical and logic-oriented approach to reality, reaches the deep understanding of the meaning of life and develops and shares techniques that allow to create the life of our dreams and obtain whatever we want. An enticing journey filled with extraordinary discoveries and encounters: discovery of psychic abilities, reaching proof of past lives, training to Reiki master level, discovering a unique powerful Reiki symbol, becoming a practitioner in multiple alternative techniques, and developing a unique step by step method of life transformation. Science and supernatural seem to find a point of contact and all questions about life and death are answered in a simple language broken down to the very essence. The author condenses the main concepts of his new understandings in this mind-blowing, fascinating and intriguing preamble.
The race : The right pathway to success
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
Spiritual Growth through Fasting:: Navigating 14 Spiritual Paths with Purpose Book
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