After completing the one hundred year-long mission Julia was forced to carry out, she returns to the island where it all began. But rather than finding her beloved Charlie where she left him, the island which houses the cursed fountain of youth is abandoned. In her frantic search for Charlie, Julia will enlist the help of an unlikely ally–someone from her past whom she believed to be dead. This new partnership is rocky, but together they will work to solve the mystery of where Charlie has gone. But even more perplexing than his disappearance is what Charlie has become. With extraordinary abilities of his own, Charlie’s talents are valuable, and they’ve been found out by a dangerous foe. Journey again with Julia as she finds Charlie, unearths a wealth of secrets contained within the fountain of youth’s waters, and discovers that a mission she thought completed…has only just begun.
Revival (The Variant Series Book 1)
Prince of Frogs (Curse of the Dark Kingdom Book 1)
NCE - Night Cafe Entertainment ED-02 A Adult Fantasy (NCE - Night Cafe Entertainment ED-01)
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