
Free on 12th - 16th Mar 18
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Blake, Perry, and Michelle battle against a race that resembles dragons in order to prevent the discovery of an ancient device that can subjugate an entire planet.

Blake, Perry, and Michelle exit the Maze’s elevator next to a half-buried wreck of a ship, which they immediately investigate. Inside, they find skeletons of creatures resembling human-sized dragons and a panicked final video log showing the ship’s demise and the face of one of these dragon people. Upon exiting, they find themselves surrounded by a small army of these dragon people riding what appear to be red pandas, except for the one who flies towards them and lands directly in front of them.

Taken for questioning by the creatures, they learn the dragon people are called Kursas, a race of technological thieves led by their Highmark, Pyrhinia, and they are actively torturing the indigenous population to locate a mysterious object they call a Forswight. The device was on the crashed ship, with had been cleaned out by the natives, and no trace of it has been found. They convince Pyrhinia to keep them alive by feeding her a story of advanced technologies on their ship which will return for them, but only if they remain alive.

After being inadvertently rescued by the local military, they learn that the Maze travelers’ physiologies are different enough from the locals that they can be tracked, and so with the local help, they struggle to stay ahead of the Kursas while they seek out the item that their enemy desires so greatly. Once they discover it, Blake recognizes its value and danger, and if they were to turn it over, it would be the end for the people of not only this planet but for any world the Kursas would visit.

Also in The Maze:

City Of Phase

The Off-Worlders

Coming soon in The Maze:

False Invasion (September 2017)
Ancient Visitors (September 2017)
The Terraformers (October 2017)
Secret of the Wood (November 2017)

Join the mailing list at www.georgewillson.com to keep up with the latest releases.

Free on 12th - 16th Mar 18
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