
Free on 3rd - 5th Jul 14
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The series where freedom of speech makes its last stand against the forces of political correctness, which is government-controlled speech and government controlled behavior.


Card didn’t need the invasion of troublemakers from other countries. There would have been more than enough trouble without them. Example:

They were on the bed and the tough young cop with the shiny shaved head was on top of her. His hands were around her neck and she was looking up at him, her face tense and congested. Her right hand brought the butcher knife out from under the pillow and pushed the blade into his left side. He gave a loud grunt and a final, powerful squeeze with his hands.

Card knew the meanest, most crooked cop in town would be regarded as a hero if somebody killed him. But they would have a hard time explaining how that one had ended up on top of a dead girl, with his big hands around her skinny neck.

Card guessed they would try to blame him for it, even though he had only watched from the doorway, refusing to interfere with a cop in the performance of his duty.

The dead girl had got what she deserved. She had killed a beautiful girl because the crooked cop wanted her to. Then he had come to silence her.

Free on 3rd - 5th Jul 14
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