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Explore a Legendary Lost World and its Profound Knowledge

Legends are the relics of a shipwreck; far more of the secrets of the past have been lost than preserved. Accounts of what truly exists in our world began long after the realities had faded from human memory–legends arose to preserve those realities.

Explore the secrets underlying one of the greatest of all ancient legends, that of a hidden society of highly enlightened masters living deep in the majestic Himalayan Mountains, revealing knowledge that for long millenniums has remained hidden under the most intense silence.

On an extended trek in that vast wilderness, explorer M.G. Hawking encounters a tiny village nestled below massive ice peaks, a village called Siddhalaya. There he has the privilege of meeting extraordinary men and women–introduced to him as “masters” and “adepts”–possessed of knowledge and powers virtually unknown to the Western world.

Richly enlightening and inspirational, this book is a must read for anyone on a spiritual path or seeking greater personal knowledge and power.

This third volume in the series transports us into the esoteric world of shamanism and the ancient arts and history of B’on magic. An exceptional revelation emerges–a line of descent of members of a hierarchy has been preserved, one of a long disappeared civilization, perhaps the fabled realm of Atlantis. The history and purpose of this hierarchy is revealed. The true nature of two recovered manuscripts is examined, the first of which originated in Nepal one-thousand-two-hundred years ago, the other in Egypt some three-thousand-three-hundred years ago. The latter text was composed by a supreme female adept, Kalika, under the protection of her patrons, Amenhotep III and IV (Akhenaten). The discovery and content of these texts suggests that a third esoteric manuscript written by Kalika exists, one that contains the highest of occult knowledge–it must be recovered, and our party is not the only one intent on finding it.

The Living Part of a Legend, Volume Three, Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count 348. For more information, please see the book’s ‘Look Inside’ feature on this page. Thank you.

Library-cataloging-data: visionary, metaphysical, mystical, esoteric, occult, enlightenment, knowledge, wisdom, ancient mysteries, Nepal, Himalayan mountains, Atlantis

Free on 10th - 13th Mar 16
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