Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 15th - 19th Mar 18
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The Lost Art of Self
is Marc D Browns 3rd book.
This poetry collection talks about the feelings we have all had at some point or currently have.
The feeling of being lost!
That lack of connection to love, your faith, your job, your life and the world around you.
That feeling when your lost in your own mind & you feel the need to question everything that once made sense.
This book was written to help you reconnect in someway and help you realize that other people have felt the same way.
I want this to be read as a motivational collection. Yes! Sometimes life gets us down be we can help ourselves overcome, we can help each other overcome.
You are not alone!
Reach out!

“The Lost Art of Self, was written from a purely personal point of view in an attempt to convey a perceived lack of authenticity in the life he had been living, there is a substantial thread of the universal human experience woven into his poetic narrative. Who among us has not felt, at one time or another, a sense of being out of touch with self and exhausted from giving to a world that takes more and more without giving in return?” – ReadersFavorite.com 5*****

Free on 15th - 19th Mar 18
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