
Free on 30th Aug 23 - 3rd Sep 23
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This is not a children’s book, nor a book about apes. And don’t let the rhymes fool you, the pistol fires in the last act.

A rhymed allegory telling the story of the red monkey kingdom. Describes in a special and significant way another possibility for the events that took place during former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination.


“First and foremost, let us begin

By stating that the red banana kingdom was ruled by King Brin.

Wild bananas grew in orange, green and yellow,

In brown and even ocean blue, deep and mellow.

But Brin’s kingdom was renowned in the jungle far and wide

For the red bananas that grew in the north and along the eastern side.

And so I will commence, but please keep in mind

That the red banana grove was the most important of its kind.

There it was, so close to the eastward entry.

Oh yes! The Holy Grove! Well-guarded by King Brin’s loyal primate sentry.

By the monkeys of the jungle he was exceedingly admired.

To populate his kingdom all types and sorts of primates aspired.

Held in great esteem by monkeys a great distance from his realm,

They would occasionally visit the blessed land that held him at the helm.

Forms have to be completed before entry is granted,

For a brief glorious hour, to view the wonder and be enchanted.

A remarkable wonder, a masterpiece, a sign no doubt,

The very spot where the first red banana in the jungle began to sprout!

Much has been said, and will be said, of the singular nature of this dominion.

The stamping ground makes fine peat, the green shoots flourish, branching out,

Perfectly intertwined, the very best for climbing, in everyone’s opinion.

Yet distant is the day when throughout the kingdom a black cloud shall spread,

Transforming waterholes filled to the brim into mired bogs, muddy and dead.

Abundant superlatives praise the monkeys’ equanimity,

With a salute they acknowledge their persona’s sublimity.

Rest assured! Far and wide this fact is known and well construed,

Rare is the day when pique and fury will blacken their mood.

There was no indication of what lay in store,

Of what that week would transpire, changing eternity as never before.”

“A wild work like no other. Your grand children will study it at literature classes” Screenwriter Assaf Shany ?????

“The Middle Kingdom” by Aviv Geva: The birth of a new genre in contemporary Hebrew literature”. I found this book to be no less than a work of genius and herewith announce to one and all that Geva has created – through his artistic perceptions and innovative way – a new genre in contemporary Hebrew literature with this very “disparate”, avant-garde, dadaistic literary creation” Author Doron Braunshtein?????

“Aviv Geva has freed himself of the fetters of literary writing. Abandoning the familiar templates and shapes of full sentences, geva links together words that don’t necessarily connect, yet in their higher spheres they complement each other.For every word has its primary meaning, but also possesses the sensations it evokes. Phrase after phrase, the reader is exposed to the other level of words, to writing at an emotional level. One of the great literary creations I have ever known” Screenwriter Pashi Levin ?????

“A book that is written so differently. I felt as if I have entered the pages of Shakespeare’s play, or perhaps the bible” “Nurita” – A Look At Books And Literature At Eye Level ?????

Free on 30th Aug 23 - 3rd Sep 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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