
Free on 24th - 26th Oct 24
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Prepare to be frightened…very frightened by these extraordinarily scary places most of us probably never knew existed!

The world around us is a scary place. With danger lurking around so many corners, the threats we can explain are often easily quantified and dismissed. Rather, it is the unexplainable, the paranormal and the strange which present the biggest threats to our psychological well-being. All across the planet, certain places and buildings have come to represent these abnormal and unexplainable phenomena. From ghosts to genocides, brutal murders to witches’ covens, these locations are both hyper specific and universal.
In almost every town, village or city, there is often an area where people are wary. A certain building people say is haunted, or a home they know has a particularly gruesome past. People might warn children to stay away, these buildings might form the backbone of some local folklore, or they might actually be condemned and restricted to the public. In these buildings our imaginations run riot and we wonder what could be possibly be lurking down the long, dank and dark corridors. But not all of these places are created equal.
In this book, we will examine some of the most terrifying, strange, bizarre, odd and depressing places on earth. These might be haunted homes or the resting place of a murderous maniac. Some have been created by the evils of modern man while others are tributes to ancient and dark mysteries we still struggle to explain. The one thing they share is their ability to chill you to the bone. But as you work through this list, the true extent of humanity’s capacity to imagine the horrific should not be underestimated. When you are ready to learn about some of the worst places in the world, like the island of the doll in Mexico, the Paris catacombs, the Hell fire Club in Ireland, the Ridges in the USA and much more…just read on!

Scroll back up and grab your copy today!

Free on 24th - 26th Oct 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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