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Free on 23rd - 27th Apr 14
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What if one of the great­est prob­lems in the world right now is not that peo­ple don’t fear hell enough, but rather that they aren’t expe­ri­enc­ing God’s infi­nite love for them nearly as much as they should be? What if one of the main rea­sons for this is that many have thought that the attrib­utes of God’s nature were all sep­a­rate from His Love? (Like God’s jus­tice, mercy, wis­dom, peace, etc, all being sep­a­rate from His love.) What if the truth is that all of God’s attrib­utes are actu­ally found in His Love, and can only be rightly, com­pletely, and per­fectly under­stood as being part of a love that uncon­di­tion­ally seeks the high­est good of all peo­ple? What if God is Love, and it is His Love that is Just, Holy, Right­eous, Peace­ful, Joy­ful, and much more?

Jesus commanded us to love God with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength. If God were only partly love, then this would be impossible, because that would mean only part of us could love God, and not our entire being. But because all of God’s attributes are found in His Love, that is why we are able to love God with ALL that we are, and in all that we do.

I Encour­age you, espe­cially if you are a believer in Christ, to at least read the first chap­ter, and see if you do not at least begin to clearly and truly see that all of God’s attrib­utes really are found in His nature of Love; and how great a dif­fer­ence it makes in the under­stand­ing of who God is from what many have pre­sented Him to be! The book goes much, much deeper into the rev­e­la­tions and truths of His Love from there!

Here’s a fur­ther descrip­tion from the back cover:

“His Nature is Love! Get ready for an adven­tur­ous jour­ney into the mys­ter­ies and secrets of the rad­i­cal nature and attrib­utes of God’s love!

Dur­ing this incred­i­ble jour­ney of love we will also be going over other major rev­e­la­tions like:

-All things were cre­ated from, through, in, and for love.

-What it means that we are sons & daugh­ters who are one with His love.

-How God has set us free from sin through the cross of His love.

-How God has given us the inher­i­tance of all things in His love.

-How to dis­cover the many attrib­utes of God’s nature for your­self.

-How to encounter God’s love for you every day, and in var­i­ous ways.

-And so much more!

This book is not just a teach­ing book on the love of God, but is packed with life-transforming rev­e­la­tions, encoun­ters, and even acti­va­tions, to help empower the reader in their own jour­ney of dis­cov­er­ing the supreme nature of God’s love!”

Free on 23rd - 27th Apr 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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