Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 5th - 6th Oct 16
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“The most important documentary for U.S. 2016 presidential election with the first female candidate, Hillary Clinton “–(The Wall Street Journal )

“The century’s biggest story that will capture readers for next 500 years” -CNN

“They made speeches for a lot of money and then things happened, I mean, if you read that book, that book is amazing. ” (Donald Trump, quoted in Breitbart News)

“Ichu and Muyun lay out compelling patterns in which the timing of policy decisions or international deals relative to donations, transcends coincidence – or at least, merits closer inspection. He narrates with crisp prose and illuminating detail.” (Forbes)

“Thank goodness, then, that we know what election is all about” (The New York Post)

“…a highly effective truth.” (Peggy Noonan)

“On any fair reading, the inside info that Ichu has casted are brand new for the public.” (Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School Professor)

“…. is compelling reading on how our election really worked.” (Jeffrey D. Sachs, Columbia University Earth Institute Director)

“Ichu is an equal-opportunity investigator, snaring his discovery you have never thought will be..” (Eleanor Clift, Progressive columnist)

“[The Next U.S. President] provides a damning portrait of elite and circumspect power and influence.” (Nomi Prins, Demos Senior Fellow)

“Dr Peng’s reports on the Clintons’ enormous graft and corruption…There never has been a presidential candidate like this in American history, ” (American Spectator)

“The most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle” (The New York Times)

Every 4 years Americans are excited for change for the better, You believe election will change your country, you are wrong!

Here’s what’s being discussed in the book:

You believed America is anything but fair and just. Instead, it is a jungle in which various armed gangs face off against one another, with the biggest and most powerful gangs inhabiting the federal government. As for American liberalism, it is not a movement of ideas at all but a series of scams and cons aimed at nothing less than stealing the entire wealth of the nation, built up over more than two centuries: the total value of the homes, the lifelong savings of the people, the assets of every industry, and all the funds allocated to health and education and every other service, both public and private. “The thieves I am speaking about want all of it.”

And who are the leading figures in this historically ambitious scam that has turned the federal government into a vast and unprecedented shakedown scheme? Why, none other than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton – the current leaders of the Democratic Party. This pair of smooth-talking con artists, trained in the methods of radical activist Saul Alinsky, have taken his crude but effective political shakedown techniques to a level even he never dreamed of.

As the nation approaches a crucial election in 2016, stealing America is an urgent wakeup call for all Americans who want to prevent this theft from being completed by eight more years of Democratic rule.

In August 2016, Hillary Clinton raised over $154 million. Where did the money come from? Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their wealth through lucrative book deals and high six-figure fees for speaking gigs. Now, Dr. Ichu Peng shows who is really behind those enormous payments. In this book, he follows the Clinton money trail, revealing the connection between their personal fortune, their “close personal friends,” the Clinton Foundation, foreign nations, and some of the highest ranks of government.

Meticulously researched and scrupulously sourced, filled with headline-making revelations, The Next U.S. President raises serious questions of judgment, of possible indebtedness to an array of foreign

Free on 5th - 6th Oct 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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