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**** 2nd Edition **** The Power of Now Unleashed: How to set your Mind into Taking Action “Now” so you can achieve your Dreams

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Are you a procrastinator? Are you great at starting things, but not at finishing? Are you stuck in a rut at work or school because you’re not doing your best? Do you need the key to motivation?

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a clean slate, whether it’s a new year, a new semester, a new job or just a new day. These are times to set higher, loftier goals for ourselves. We do this with genuine intention. so why do so many of us fail to follow through? Melanie Hutchinson’s e-book The Power of Now: How to set your Mind into Taking Action “Now”so You Can Achieve Your Dreams address the problem of our minds by giving us stratgies and steps to overcome procrastination.

Hutchinson first addresses the fears that many of us secretly harbour: fear of failure and

rejection. But the book isn’t merely about motivation, but also about address the disorganization that can keep us stuck in our old, last-minute routines.

The Power of Now gets the reader into action immediately with journaling prompts to identify our unique core values, and some long-term goal setting. The beauty of Hutchinson’s method is succinctness – you won’t spend all day on the goal-setting process here. She is challenging us to start somewhere, and get motivated to small but meaningful action today.

Whether you have a long history of worrying or simply want to learn but concentration habits, Hutchinson’s chapter on “connecting with the present” is by far one of the most valuable chapters in the book. In it, she addresses the value of mindfulness: focusing on today, and not giving any energy to the past or the future. Hutchinson outlines several core habits to develop the practice of keeping out thoughts in the present. By focusing on meeting one smaller goal per day, we’re on our way to a life of improved motivation already.

Just as helpful is Hutchinson’s chapter on short-term planning. Not used to hearing that term? That’s because it’s becoming a lost art, but readers get the course they probably should have gotten in school on planning the day’s work and executing it with efficiency and organization. Pairing this with some time-management strategies used by professionals the world over, readers are armed for more profitable work immediately.

The Power of Now discusses a couple of phenomena that block so many of us in our tracks: perfectionism and accountability. These are sometimes the issues that take the steam out of our working engines. Hutchinson’s chapter on perfectionism and self-criticism is a chapter readers can read and re-read when the need to keep their thinking positive throughout their day. Her tips and suggestions for personal accountability are creative and constructive, especially for those who sometimes feel isolated in their work process (and all of us feel this way, at least

sometimes). The Power of Now is a fantastic read for anyone who’s dreaming of attacking new challenges, but wants to experience a new success, rather than add to the old pattern of failures.

Hutchinson balances the mental and emotional influences on our behaviors with concrete

actions we can take today to start us on the path to achievement.

***Limited Edition***

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Free on 13th - 17th Apr 15
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