
Free on 30th - 31st Oct 13
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The most sought after prize in life is the mastery of your mind.

Every benefit that you can possibly imagine, desire, and expect

comes from doing it. Now you can do what few before you

have ever achieved using the simple magic of making lists in

a practical way that handles and directs your mind for your

highest excellence with purely benevolent outcomes for

all concerned.

This e-book was a worldwide success from 2005-2008 meaning for many people in many countries their lives were greatly transformed. You can read many of their testimonials on our main website! Enjoy. Easy, simple exercises yet so powerful. It’s all about the application of the principles for success. It’s not about another intellectual talk about success, it’s about actually making YOUR success happen with your mind power effectively by practical application.

Featuring: “An Introduction to ClearTalk” the world famous

system, method, and tools for consciously creating your own

reality with Financial Intelligence.

This book was released worldwide from 2005-2008 in over 75 countries. Many diverse people in many diverse life situations reported astounding benefits from taking this home study course. At the time we sold the e-book for $97.00!!! You can read testimonials from many of the thousands of people that bought and applied the unique knowledge in this book. Just visit our site http://Elprehzleinn.com to read some of the testimonials. Here are a few examples of what people have said about owning this e-book…

“Things are moving so fast, I am sure something has shifted in my universe, like you cant even imagine. the steam train has began………..Hello Jorejj! What a wonderful day, I had the best audition ever. i nailed it. so much to tell right now. so much to write. brain gone in overload. mental meltdown (in a good way today, a real good way), shoooweeee what a turn around from yesterday to today. Like powwwww thank you universe. thank you JoreJj! this stuff is working.” E.V.

“Hi JoreJj,

How are you. You will be glad to know that, I was able to find a job, even before my contract with my old company came to an end.

This job is quite good, slightly better paying, and commute is also not bad.

So, just wanted to give you update, and I will talk to you some time soon.”


” I’ve fallen in love again :) And it feels amazing.You were a big part in making this happen because you are the only person who took the time and the effort to explain to me, to the best of your ability, what was going on in my particular situation.. Thank you :-)”

Love, I.

So just in case you were wondering, that money I spent to receive your program was probably the best money I’ve ever spent. And you can believe me when I say, I am a connoisseur of “self-help” books and audio materials. I have a home office with shelves upon shelves of them. But yours is the one that has lifted me the highest, and that has brought me much happiness when things seemed gloomy. I really enjoy applying Clear Talk and it’s easy to do – constantly with me, etc. You might say it’s a “no brainer that brightens, lightens and heightens your brain”…


“Hi JoreJj,

We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a VERY CREATIVE YEAR !! That you may reach the stars because when someone deserves it than it is you. Don’t thinks this is all normal what you are doing for us because it is not. Someone has to have courage to do this. I have send your page to someone who is also interested in your program. I hope she will make the same decision that I have made. Kind regards.”


“I have to thank you profoundly for the hard efforts your have put in to offer mankind. May Almighty – the Creator shower all blessings for all prosperity to you and your family. You have the capacity to transform peo

Free on 30th - 31st Oct 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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