
Free on 25th - 29th Sep 17
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“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focussed effort”
– Paul Meyer

The 21st century – what a time to be alive. Existence has never been so tailored to the convenience-rich lifestyle that we indulge in on a daily basis. The invention of high-speed internet, smartphones, microwaves, social media, and instant messaging have all contributed to a widespread shift in mindset that thrives on instant gratification. It has placed the modern adult in a position of impatience and feeds our insatiable desire for instantaneous rewards. Heavily swayed by the mechanics and happenings of society, rewarding one’s self in tiny bite-sized chunks has become the most fashionable way to go about one’s life.
Instead of investing long stretches of time into daunting, risky projects with high potential but no promise of reward, we stick with more comfortable activities that guarantee quick, easy benefits. It is because of this mindset that now more than ever, amazing human beings with virtually limitless potential are holding themselves back from achieving the results that they are capable of. As one of the many spawns of this contemporary phenomenon, procrastination and lack of focus have become a swamp in the way of human progression.

This book will provide insight into exactly what mindset, strategies, and tactics you’ll need to finally kick procrastination for good, and become a master of productivity.
By the time you’ve reached the last page, you’ll know:
oHow to nurture yourself and your personal health, so that your productive mind can thrive.
oHow to set clear, SMART Goals, to help you reach your destination.
oHow to start a productive day through a productive morning.
oWhy being accountable to someone or something will help you stay on track.
oTime management hacks to increase your productivity
oHow controlling your environment will enable you to be most productive
oHow to easily eliminate distractions and stop procrastinating

What you are about to learn will propel your life forward if you let it; breaking you free from the metaphorical bog of distractions, and onto the lesser-travelled path of effective productivity and accomplishment. Immerse yourself in these pages and prepare to become a force to be reckoned with.

Free on 25th - 29th Sep 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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