Our hope is in Him. Each life is precious, uniquely created by God. He has a plan for our lives, yet even when we make the wrong decisions, God is still the master planner. “The Promise” chronicles the story of a couple, each who will make choices that will drastically change the course of life. A promise is given. Wrapped around the horror of death, the story evolves from the prestige of an enticing career to the remote jungles of the world. Life moves on in spite of the poor decisions we make, yet the characters find that even when lost, there is hope. The story unfolds to reveal God reigns as the supreme creator and designer. Even so, it seems the promise must now be impossible. But is it??
The Sultan of Monte Cristo: First Sequel to the Count of Monte Cristo
In The Forbidden Himalayas, Anthology of Discovery
The Adventures of Goku
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