
Free on 2nd - 3rd Jun 15
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In a busy market place, Major Vohra spots a suicide bomber from his eBombVest. He whispers his suspicion to a stranger near him. The stranger takes out a gun and shoots the bomber between his eyes. To Vohra’s surprise, instead of keeling over the bomber visibly changes and confesses.

That’s the Bioray gun at work. No one knows from where the gun and the other Bioray weapons arrived and why. The military maintains a dignified silence. The politicians reveal nothing.

But it’s no use trying to keep these weapons a secret. Because nothing is hidden from the powers that really matter — the Rays and the Shadows.

At a place where metaphors turn literal, where feelings take shape and come alive, reside the Universe’s oldest powers. Assisted by Time, they create a series of events to bring in a new age.

The powers believe that mortals Ketu and Arnavi are the best bet to bring in the future. If their past doesn’t kill them first, that is.

Free on 2nd - 3rd Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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