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The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan is reaching its final battle. Those who keep the commandments and have the faith of Jesus Christ play a significant role in the outcome of this battle. God’s Remnant Church has been given the Great Commission as their mission objective. Yet, Satan has crept behind enemy lines, implementing the distraction of division among the ranks. Understanding that a house divided against itself cannot stand, Satan has been successful in causing division in the church, distracting them from their mission by encouraging them to argue over various issues. But there is a remedy to this poison that has infected the minds of God’s people, as the Word of God shows Satan to have used this tactic before. This book will take you on a journey through the last moments of the ministry of Christ, showing how Christ himself experienced in the church of his time, what we are experiencing today. By studying, understanding, and using biblical history as our example, we will learn how to stand in these last days, lest we fall. Are you ready to receive the remedy?????