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Free on 28th Jan 18 - 1st Feb 18
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OK, Hands up. I like a drink! There I’ve said. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care how I look and how I feel, I can’t be alone, surely?
Why did I write this book?
Very simply, I got fed up of every health book that I picked up, starting with the lines ?.No alcohol! Or no alcohol for one month and it made me feel that if I didn?t do that one thing 100%, then I was either weak or I had failed before I?d even started. I wanted a manual for real life not just for New Year Resolutions. I wrote a book, that I would like to find, gently inspiring a healthier attitude, written in a way that is true if not on occasions humorous and yet not preaching. Helping each of us to validate ourselves rather looking for outside validation. With practical advice on how to make better life decisions, health and beauty tips and techniques, easy and healthy recipes to follow, how to avoid hangovers or cure them, simply self-care but in the real world. I am not reliant on Sambuca or alcohol but I am faithful and just sometimes a drink is what you need but if we balance it with healthy alternatives and give ourselves options and generally be kind to ourselves, why can?t we find the balance and enjoy it all! After all life is for living and not a spectator sport.
Do you feel that a glass of wine isn’t some days enough or that a spirit looks lonely without a Sambuca on the side? Yes! Me too some days. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve given up on ourselves, instead, we just bloody enjoy it and are capable of introducing new things into our lives to be healthy or happy but just not going to give up that glass of Merlot or that little bit of fun in a glass.
Now if you are hoping this book is going to contain 100% healthy alternatives and ideas then this book is not for you.
My only suggestion for you is to use it as a coaster.
Most of it is usefully useless but bits of it (other bits I just threw in as I do like a factoid) does help me to find a balance.
I find myself wearing several caps throughout the day, being a mum, a wife, a daughter, my work, life oh and just being me. Juggling is what I do best on a good day and terrible on another and I make no apologies that I need a drink on both, one to celebrate and one to comfort me or lift my spirits.
Everything in this book has either helped me, interested me or given me an avenue to vent.
If you can still taste the Sambuca from last night, there may be something in here, some alternative suggestions and handy hints, to find what suits YOU best and BALANCES YOUR LIFE.
I can assure you, this book will NOT tell you what you are doing wrong but invite you into a world where perfection is over rated, and having a drink and still looking and feeling good can go together.
Can you answer yes to any of the following:
Do you want to be happy?
Do you want to know how to help prevent a hangover?
Do you want to be true to yourself?
Do you want to know how to open a bottle with no corkscrew?
Do you want to stop caring what others think?
Do you want to know hints to cure a hangover?
Do you want to look and feel your best?
Do you want quick, easy & healthy cooking ideas, with minimum washing up?
Do you want to know how to improve rough wine quickly and easily?
Do you want to start following your own path or dreams on your terms?
Do you want to know why honey and olive oil are our friends?
Do you want to be in the Sambuca Club?
If you have answered yes to any of the above, joining will be your first step to not only liberating yourself but finding like-minded people who juggle their work and personal life while not apologising for enjoying a few drinks along the way.
This is your lifestyle handbook from me, just one woman to all of you like minded souls, who enjoy a shot but are fed up of being told that to be healthy, the first thing is to give up alcohol! No the first thing is, stop giv

Free on 28th Jan 18 - 1st Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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