
Free on 6th - 10th Jul 16
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There are more people employed in the selling profession than in any other

field of work. In fact we are all ‘selling’ something one way or another; a product

or service, big ideas or personal issues. We ‘sell’ to our wives or husbands,

the children, and we could be said to be ‘selling’ even when we are buying!

Everyone is a salesperson; everyone is ‘marketing’ something. This book is

aimed at achieving more successful, ethical and happier outcomes both at

the workplace and at home.

Once you truly understand ‘selling’ and personal communications your career

and your personal relations will change for the better.

This work, and its sometimes unusual ideas and methods, will unlock the secret

of influencing people and of achieving better sales and marketing results.

These ideas are as applicable to salespeople as they are to doctors, plumbers

or anyone else who wants to achieve something better than average.

Selling and influencing people is no more or less than focused interpersonal

communications; The ‘Agreement Summary of Selling Solutions’ does not need tricky schemes or torturous feats of mind. But you do need to learn a new modern and fast

way of convincing people, and do that sanely and ethically.

o To make More Sales you do need to get ‘involved’ with yourself – and others

in a different way than you have until now.

o You do need to know the clearest and simple steps of selling; they

are in this book, but there is a lot more help here for you to become a

greater communicator who achieves better sales results and even private


o Once you acquire the ability to quickly perceive ‘Personality Types’ and

Communication Styles you will have greater powers of influence with people

So stop selling! Or trying to convince people about anything in the same

old-fashioned ways that never really worked so well!

Free on 6th - 10th Jul 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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