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Free on 15th - 19th Jul 16
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“The Skeleton Diaries” is the true story of a young girl’s dark and gripping journey to battle and survive anorexia nervosa.

Rachael was fifteen years-old when she was rushed to hospital, placed in a wheelchair and threatened with a feeding tube. Severely underweight, she was told that she had a mental illness and might not survive.

Placed in psychiatric care she fought not only to regain weight, but to take back her mind and life.

Her personal journey is vividly told through a series of raw diary entries.

The book reveals that mental health can be a battleground; a fierce daily struggle and intensive fight. But the war can be won.

The Skeleton Diaries is a story of resilience, recovery, and triumph. It gives hope to those who have none left and inspiration for anyone who has ever felt unloved and wanted to give up.

“This book gives me hope for the future, that I can recover one day”- Reader

“Rachael Stevens’ account of this horrific illness was at once frightening and uplifting.

Rachael managed to honestly and maturely express hope for a life beyond the clutches of the illness. Reading as parents of a teenage sufferer, The Skeleton Diaries provided us with a greater understanding of the challenges our daughter faced from hour to hour and day to day, as well as hope that she would find the strength and resolve to recover sometime in the future.We recommend The Skeleton Diaries to sufferers of anorexia and their loved ones alike.” – Reader

Free on 15th - 19th Jul 16
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