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The Solo Travel Guide – How To Travel Across The World Alone And Find Yourself

Today only, get this Kindle Book for just $0.99. Regularly priced

at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

This book contains proven steps and strategies to help you better understand what it takes to travel the world alone, how to do it without breaking the bank, what you need to do to overcome your initial apprehensions and fears about the idea, and how to use your travels all over the world as a means to rediscover yourself and find inner peace.

The idea of traveling all over the world is admittedly something that many people dream of doing. After all, who wants to spend their entire lifetime stuck in the office, doing the same mind-numbing tasks day in and day out? In this sense, traveling is seen as synonymous with freedom.

Despite its inherent appeal, however, traveling is something that puts people aback. Many associate it with prohibitive airline tickets and expensive hotel accommodations, scammers and culture shock. These fears are amplified even further when one speaks of traveling the world alone. However, while these fears are valid, it is precisely in the uncertain where the thrill lies.

The fact of the matter is that traveling is a great opportunity to experience the world first-hand without having to concern yourself with the whims and caprices of a companion. You are alone with your thoughts and realizations, such that you get a pure and an unadulterated exploration of your inner thoughts and feelings.

The fact that you have to hop across new destinations alone and deal with the attendant challenges by yourself also reinforces your capacity for independence. When you factor in the different people you meet along the way, the things you have to try for the first time and the experiences that you will cherish for a long time, you know that your newly discovered inner happiness along with all these lifelong memories are actually well worth the inconveniences you have had to endure.

Free on 21st - 25th May 15
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