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Free on 26th - 27th Dec 13
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One day as Rashana was sitting in meditation she felt the presence of a group of Beings asking her to be their scribe. When she asked who they were they answered The Council of Nine. Being unfamiliar with that name, she said she would think about it and get back them. She wanted to be sure they were of a consciousness that was bringing love into the world. She discovered that love is what The Council of Nine is all about.

She agreed to commit to receiving a message every day, knowing that it would be collected into a book so that all could benefit from the ‘Essays’ as Rashana calls them. Day after day she would sit at her computer and type away as The Council of Nine spoke through her.

One day she wondered how many Essays she should have to know the book was complete. The answer was 100. That seemed like a good number. Then she thought, wouldn’t it be interesting if 100 Essays took her to December 21st. The significance of that date is that she was writing this book in the year 2012. You see, this all began to unfold in that grand year that led us into the end of a 26,000 year cycle and into this new cycle – the age of enlightenment.

The next morning she counted how many essays she had so far and how many more she would need to make 100, knowing that she would dedicate herself to receiving a message every day. Sure enough, the 100th Essay would be received on December 21st. That affirmed to Rashana that she was offering a service to humanity in receiving these messages.

She knew the love that was coming through and the guidance on how to create a successful life in these new times. She knew that these messages were going to help people navigate these new and wondrous times and the fact that the book would be finished on the last day of that 26,000 year cycle called the Precession of the Equinoxes was profound.

And so this book is available to you now. 250 pages of messages from The Council of Nine that will inspire you to let go of all that you thought you were and step into the full potential that is now available to us all.

The Council of Nine encourage us to do as much healing work as we can to let go of the limiting beliefs that keep us prisoner to the past and recognize the full potential of who we are. They invite us to love ourselves so that we will create a life that reflects that love. They state that the word selfish should be wiped from our vocabulary and replaced with the concept of being self-full.

Every Essay is infused with the energies of The Council of Nine so that the reader not only reads their wisdom but an energetic transmission is happening as well. In fact, the Council referred to all their messages as transmissions.

It is time for us to release our old, restricting thought forms and step into the full potential that we came to this earth to live. It is time to create the life we have always dreamed of. It is time to love ourselves free. The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Happiness will guide you there. You will feel the love that they transmit as you read the Essays.

Below is a sample of one of the Essays for you to feel what comes through and see the gentle guidance that they offer. The greatest truth is often very simple. Our mind likes to complicate things but our greatest intelligence comes from the heart. It is in the space of the heart that life flows with ease and grace. It is the wisdom of the heart that will feel the truth of these words.

Free on 26th - 27th Dec 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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