Picture book. Ages 2-6. On Halloween Night, the moon’s imagination gets the best of her. She is frightened by all of the scary Halloween costumes, and thinks that the monsters are going to get her. At the end of the night, the children take off their masks. The moon is relieved to see that her fears were not real.
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"this book is designed to be read slowly to a pre-reading child who will enjoy the pictures. "
Reviewer: RhymeHunter for Bookangel.
I considered very carefully before reviewing this book. This is very obviously a labour of love, but it is presented as a professional product and as such it is lacking.
The book is presented in an odd landscape format that works very well on Kindle for PC but not so well on the actual device. When the images came up on the actual Kindle, they displayed in grey-scale, but they did not always load. The images are drawn in a child's style, with shaky thick lines and bright colours.
The rhyme scheme is erratic, parts of the story presented as poetry and parts not. The quotation marks for speech are incorrect. The text flow is halting and slow, with breaks in odd places. Sentence fragments and odd speech breaks abound.
It is a great concept, but the execution is lacking. Within the suggested Age 2-6 age group, this might be suitable for very, very, young children who it is being read to, but less so for older ones to read alone.
Overall, this book is designed to be read slowly to a pre-reading child who will enjoy the pictures. Otherwise the spelling and grammar could introduce early bad habits.
Rating: 2
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