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In Their Shoes – The Teacher (British Comedy / Satire / Fiction) (Book 1)
Amazon #1 Best Seller (Satire)!
Why are teachers leaving the profession, skipping work with stress or dying less than a year after retirement?
Rachel was one of the high school’s best teachers and got on well with everyone. The kids got good grades and everyone liked her. Recently she had become increasingly ambivalent toward the profession and felt she was going nowhere.

Her managers were grinding her down. The students began to irritate her with their juvenile behaviour. The needlessly excessive paperwork, marking and time-consuming training sessions were starting to make Rachel wonder if she should just leave and pursue her dreams.

Then fresh-faced and eager journalist Joy Attwood spent the day with her to discover what being a high school teacher was really like. Rachel revealed all her clever tricks of the trade – from managing unruly behaviour, to cutting corners when marking work – for the sake of the book. Unbeknownst to Joy, however, was that she had chosen one of the worst days of this teacher’s professional life; Rachel was hungover, impatient and ready to explode.

Joy wanted to investigate the teaching profession – to walk In Their Shoes and understand what their professional lives were really like. Rachel made sure it was a day neither of them would forget…

Reader’s praise for the “In Their Shoes” series:

“… very funny… with an irreverent and acerbic tone!”
“Very funny… dark and twisted in places… would definitely recommend!”
“Hilarious and dark!”
“Shocking and funny. A definite must-read!”

Free on 7th Sep 17
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