Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Short Story

Free on 10th - 14th May 14
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Sarah is a young girl aged 15 years who cannot communicate well with the people around her because she is telepathic. Sarah could hear people thoughts but had no power to enjoy them. At first Sarah felt like her parents were frustrated with her but never gave up. Sarah and her family moves out of the village to a new home in the city where everybody was telepathic. She meets a friend the same age with her and who had the same problem and they decide to work together to end the problem.

Sarah braved herself by fighting monsters that everybody was afraid of and that had threatened the whole town. She however wonders how to handle the situation because monsters were known to hide their thoughts. But she and Tom who by now are used to living around peoples thoughts and never interacting with them, had to learn to observe and connect with the people as people.

Children with such problems should not be considered less fortunate in the society. It is good to encourage them to be what they are and work towards achieving more. In this world we cannot all be the same and feeling less fortunate can make one’s life very difficult to live in. Parents should be very supportive to such children and give them support without treating them like people with inabilities. We call learn to deal with uncertainties which makes us better persons and we should start from an early age like Sarah did. We also learn that we can use our fear to build our strength like Tom did. He was always afraid of monsters but with the help and support of Sarah, he went out to fight them. At the end of the day he emerged strong and could face a monster. It is all about believing in oneself and taking up an opportunity when given chance.

Free on 10th - 14th May 14
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