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The travelers face off against a saboteur who has crippled a colonization ship and set it light years off course bound for a planet where it is destined to crash.

Blake, Perry, and Michelle emerge from the elevator onto the deck of terraforming colony ship, The Mirificus, which they had heard of from previous adventures. They quickly meet Lieutenant Long, whose name they knew from a log they had read, but when they tell him the ship is off course, they learn that he already knows. The problem is that the ship’s navigational systems are giving the wrong position, and the diagnostics are not indicating the correct state of the ship’s damaged systems.

They discover that a criminal had found his way on board and heavily sabotaged the ship forcing it off course with little hope of it ever reaching its planet. However, when the criminal learns that the ship is close enough to a world that can help them, he sets the contingency phase of his plan into motion to permanently cripple the ship and make it impossible for it to reach anywhere.

Damaged beyond repair, the ship nears its final destination, and the trio finds themselves manning the crippled ship as it enters the planet’s atmosphere as they had anticipated. The Terraformers rounds out the trilogy that began with City of Phase and continued with False Invasion, and after this, anything can happen.

The Maze is an ongoing series initially released every two weeks and monthly starting with book 7:
1. City Of Phase
2. The Kursas
3. The Off-Worlders
4. False Invasion
5. Ancient Visitors
6. The Terraformers
7. The Secret Of The Wood (November 2017)

Visit www.georgewillson.com to join the mailing list and keep up with new books.

Free on 12th Oct 17
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