Charlie Howard and Pete Knight are exceptional detectives, driven by an obsessive pursuit of their nemesis Mickey Garratt, a ruthless criminal and killer.
He operates within a dark arena where his criminal empire is underpinned by violence and corruption.
Pete and Charlie pride themselves on always adhering to the rule of law. Garratt has no limitations to his terms of engagement and consistently evades their grasp, even when the evidence is overwhelming.
When presented with a unique opportunity to finally secure his downfall, the pair face a moral dilemma which will have irrevocable consequences for their friendship and professional lives.
Should they plant the evidence to ensure Garratt’s conviction for murdering an innocent man? Could this ever be justified, even if it ultimately delivered justice to the victim’s family?
Is there a definitive black and white divide between right and wrong, or in reality is that line thin and grey?
#2 Bundle of Fun - Humorous Cozy Mysteries - Funny Adventures of Mina Kitchen - with Recipes: Christ...
Killing Tomorrow (Evolution's Path Book 1)
Once Upon A Crime
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