
Free on 9th Mar 18
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Aadheen, the third child born into a Muslim family, is conceived and born to help bring peace to the Middle East. His father instead, dedicates his life to the Jihad which causes major conflict within the family. With continued thoughts of self-destruction, the young college student, born in America, is summons by his religion to a training seminar to be held in or near Cairo, Egypt.

When his mother, who is a professor at the local university, grows concern over her son’s safety, she contacts the Agency to tell of his impending training. Unknowing of what his mother has done, Aadheen also contacts the Agency.

Aadheen starts his journey to attend the Jihad training seminar, when his travels are interrupted by an agency operative, and later by a family member who is a high level official in a secret organization, not yet known to many.

The secret organization composed of Palestinians and Jews, work secretly behind the scenes to bring peace to the Middle East. The secret organization combines the ancestors of Sarah and Hagar, the wife and hand-maiden of Abraham, the father of many nations.

A modern day fiction, based on historical and current day events provides a high level of suspense. The story takes place in August of 2013, during the time of the recent protest in Egypt. Aadheen travels from the U.S., to Cairo and then to Tel Aviv, before finding safe-passage back to the U.S.

Free on 9th Mar 18
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