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The Toddler’s Busy Book For Beginners 2nd Edition: The Best Inexpensive Creative Learning Games & Activities For Your Toddler


Toddlers can be engaged in creative and meaningful play that can develop their cognitive abilities and skills. Particularly, there are games designed to enhance your toddler’s general knowledge and increase the level of vocabulary. Through intense moments of exploration, toddlers are able to master cognitive skills during this important stage in their life. In this chapter, several activities are suggested, specifically designed for supporting your toddler’s intellectual development.

Each preschooler begins to learn about the manner of controlling his impulse. Also, soon enough, he will learn about the value of patience because he will finally realize that great things come to those who know how to wait. These are indicators that your toddler is ready to learn things about his affective aspect.

He will begin to learn that people around him have feelings, too. Also, he will see that people react differently to similar stimuli. Preschool children usually reflect the emotions shown by adults around them. For example, they easily get happy when they see Mom or Dad happy. In the same way, kids tend to feel upset when they see people around them who are upset. During this stage, tantrums are still likely to happen, but this age is the perfect time to tell your kids why it is not proper to resort to such a behavior.

There are many activities from which you can choose if you wish to teach your kid the value of socialization and mingling around. This is the part of his life in which he will learn that, indeed, no one is an island. But you need to understand that development occurs in different stages. Before we proceed to the activities recommended under this domain, you have to be aware of the common milestones in the development of a child’s affective aspect

Here is Whats Inside…

The Cognitive Domain: Activities that will Make Your Toddlers Smart The Affective Domain: Activities that can Help Kids Better in SocializationThe Psychomotor Domain: Activities that Aid in Physical DevelopmentActive Play and Well-Rounded DevelopmentMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

Tags: Education, education & teaching, teaching, parenting, activities, crafts, crafts for children, games, activities & games, toddlers, preschoolers, toddler games, toddler activities, kindergarten, infant games, infants, children, parenting books, parenting games, family activities, preschooler games, preschooler activities, learning, cognitive learning, homeschooling

Free on 1st Jan 70
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