
Free on 12th - 16th Mar 25
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The Truth at Last! 33 Essential Questions for Elon Musk is an intervention, a search for truth, and free therapy for one of the most influential men on the planet who millions look to for answers yet who?ll likely refuse to answer any of the following questions.

Thankfully for the reader, the answers have been provided by this book?s author, with Musk?s ?most likely responses? to these unexpected and thought-provoking questions relating to space colonisation, AI, tech dependence, tech augmentation, automation, globalisation and the future of humanity being included.

These 33 questions could be answered by Elon Musk in public, yet to answer them would be to admit fault, deficiencies and that we are heading in the wrong direction, which is why, for so long as Musk desires ?the dream of X? to continue to live, the only answers you will ever get to these surprising questions are those provided within this book.

Without critique we cannot improve.

Without honesty we cannot improve.

And without debate and opinion in addition to honesty and critique we cannot improve as we descend into a new corporate-fascist reality of shared collective metaversal globalist misery, which is why these questions are so important in this hour as they are the definition of critique, critique the like of which Mr Musk has not encountered hitherto.

These questions are non-partisan and honest whilst demanding honesty in return?and certainly they are overflowing with opinion and an eagerness to improve rather than merely tear down. These questions will start an essential debate in many nations about AI, tech augmentation and space colonisation.

In this book you will come to know Elon like never before as a result of the questions he answers and the ones he does not. You will immediately come to know what drives him, what brings him happiness, what causes him sadness and why he feels the need to get to Mars as soon as humanly possible.

There are certain folk who believe they have all the answers. Such folk rarely knock on the psychiatrist?s or psychologist?s door despite being deeply unhappy, confused, angry and out of control, overly impulsive and continually, unendingly, antisocial and self-sabotaging?which is why this book series exists, to reach those who would never, as a result of pride, ego, narcissism, hubris and belief in their own grandeur and ?eternal rightness? and supremacy reach out for help.

Musk is such a man, Prince Harry is such a man (Harry?s instalment is coming soon) as are conspiracy theorists, which is why another instalment in this series is titled: 33 Essential Questions for Conspiracy Theorists. It will change everything for them; it will liberate them from the ConectureMania thought prison they find themselves trapped within, just as Musk?s questions will change everything for him. Every conspiracy theory is disproven in 33 Essential Questions for Conspiracy Theorists, every one of them.

In addition to Elon?s 33 questions, the following thought-provoking chapters are included in this work:

Responsibility and Bad Branding

Know Your Employees

ConjectureMania Kills

Star Trekking

Digital Consumerist Slavery

Graffiti, the Great Educator

The One World Project

How the Russian, Chinese and American Republics on Mars Came to Be

Musk, Hitler, Pyramids and Epigenetics

If Musk defies expectation and publicly answers all 33 questions, he will be a changed man aft

Free on 12th - 16th Mar 25
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