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Free on 23rd - 27th Feb 15
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Discover: The Ultimate Mental Toughness Training Exercises: A Mind of Steel; How to Develop an Unbeatable Mind to Succeed at an Elite Level.

An untrained mind is weak, hence it is easier to adopt laziness over good working habits!

Inside this book is your guide to building the toughest mind to edge over your competitors and become the ultimate champion!

A limited amount of copies are available at a reduced price. To benefit from this exclusive offer try to download now.

Whether you are an athlete, executive, military personnel or professional in some other field, building a tough mind is an essential criterion to succeed at an elite level. To be the best, we cannot only rely on our knowledge and skill sets. Along with these, we need to build a set of psychological attributes that keep our mind focused, alert and able to deal with adverse circumstances. In other words, we need to build an unbeatable mind to combat all the challenges thrown at us by the world.

Mental toughness is an acquired ability that can be developed by anybody. This book is a unique approach to mental toughness because it recognises that the basic aspects of mental toughness are same regardless of the field. Unlike other books in the market, it is not field specific when it comes to outlining mental toughness training and exercises.It classifies 8 psychological attributes that are the characteristics of every tough mind; and gives a set of tried and tested ways of developing each of these attributes.

Adopting this idea of mental toughness, this book will give you:

A basic but thorough knowledge of all aspects of mental toughness; definitions by various researchers, terms that are intrinsically related to this quality, studies and surveys to show the attributes of a tough mind and how it contributes to success.A detailed analysis of the psychological and cognitive qualities that together constitute mental toughness.A collection of easy-to-implement, step-by-step exercises for building each of the constituent attributes which have been testified as effective by leadership experts and psychological researchers worldwide.An FAQ section that answers all your additional questions about mental toughnessA Notes and Bibliography section that gives you a long list of books and sources consulted, so that you could peruse them yourself and gain a more comprehensive idea of mental toughness.

So if you’re a budding competitor looking for motivational tactics, a professional wanting to branch out and achieve greater success or just anybody who realises the value of the disciplined mind and wants to build one; this book would be a good one to start with. It is an all-in-one guide that will remain your companion for life!

Take you first step to building a mind of steel by downloading now.

You are waiting for the perfect time to seize this opportunity; how does the perfect opportunity look like? This offer may not last long, so try to download while this book is still available at half its price.

Tags: Mental toughness training, Mental toughness exercises, How to develop mental toughness, Unbeatable mind, Mind of steel, Motivation, Succeed

Free on 23rd - 27th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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