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Free on 16th - 20th Jun 16
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The Ultimate ESL Teaching Manual is a complete English teaching system designed so that any native speaker (with TEFL experience or not) can pick up the book and start teaching.

What the book offers:

o Cut down on preparation time with lesson plans on how to teach every grammar point from beginners to advanced.

o Never run short of ideas with over 60 vocabulary sets and techniques on how to practice them.

o Keep your students talking with roleplays, games and other speaking activities

o Liven up your class with visual materials for role plays and grammar practice to get your students talking.

o Help your students master the difficult word order of questions with dedicated question practice.

o Hand out interesting homework assignments with a list of homework resource pages.

o Stay the best with techniques on how to get the most out of your students.

How does it work?

The Ultimate ESL Teaching Manual practices the no text-book teaching method. In short this involves two things:

o Controlled speaking exercises called drills, when the teacher plants the grammar or vocabulary in their students’ minds by getting them to answer carefully directed questions.

o Pairs’ speaking practice allowing your students the chance to speak and explore the grammar themselves.

This teaching technique to mimics the way we learnt our native language (through speaking, listening and repetition) but in a condensed form allowing your students to learn a second language in classes covering just a few hours a week.

If you teach from text-books, The ESL Manual can be used as supplementary material for speaking practice.

The benefits of the no text-book method

The benefits for both teacher and student are enormous. For the first time a teacher can teach anywhere: in classrooms, online or while travelling without having to carry around heavy text-books and materials.

Drills and speaking activities keep students talking, recreating how they learnt their first language, meaning that they will make leaps with their English which would never be possible with text-book based lessons.

All visual materials can be downloaded in worksheet format from the accompanying website: www.eslteachermanual.com/worksheets

Free on 16th - 20th Jun 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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