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Free on 10th - 11th Mar 14
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This book is a tonic for your life’s adventure, journey or struggles!

With the current economic, social and domestic events, people are
becoming overwhelmed, tired and worn out.The temptation to given-in to
challenges are heaven high and screaming loud at us. But what we need
do, is to brace up, get equipped and fight our way through. It is time for a combination of scriptural, practical and insightful footsteps to get spiritually refreshed, emotionally strengthened and physically ready to take on the world!

“If you don’t give up, with right knowledge, understanding and attitude you are sure to go up.”
                                                  –Emmanuel N. Obu

You don’t need to always explain your frustrations, challenges and pain. What you need is to understand how to confront them, and never give up.

When you give up, you may have cut short part of a glorious destiny. So to give up is not an option to ever consider, because you can pull through those challenges if you have the right understanding, motivation and inspiration to get back on track and win.

This book will equip you with understanding, knowledge and motivation to get back on track and in the battlefield, to fight your way through with God to victory.

In this book:
? You will get fired up, encouraged to fight on and win.
? You will gain understanding that will help you stay on.
? You will draw strength for life’s journey.
? You will make discoveries that will help your recovery.

Don’t Give Up! To Give Up Is To Go Down.

Free on 10th - 11th Mar 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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